Big Scammers

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Fraud Protection Tips Against Ransomware

Fraud protection should be a major part of your day-to-day activities on the Web. Many organizations like the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), ActionFraud (the UK's national online crime reporting center), RSA FraudAction (a cyber security firm that monitors global threats on the Internet) and other anti-cybercrime groups recently reported a huge spike in the prevalence of online scams worldwide.

These organizations offer fraud protection tips and pieces of advice through the reminders, announcements and alerts that they regularly send out. Others like BigScammers.Com is a website that provides a platform where victims can anonymously post online scam complaints and file Web crime reports. These are stored in a publicly accessible user-generated content repository, which you can use to learn about the newest tactics and schemes that are used by scammers for the latest versions of their online scams, enabling you to identify the most suitable solutions for these Web crimes even before you encounter them.

Cyber security experts and online privacy specialists also offer their support in Big Scammers. They regularly share helpful pieces of advice and fraud protection tips as comments in the user-generated postings at the content repository of this website. Big Scammers also offers updated news stories, guides and other useful resource materials for fighting cyber fraud.

These organizations noticed exponentially growing cases of ransomware from the beginning of this year, in which its newest variant is now known as tech support fraud. There are also lots of postings in Big Scammers from victims of tech support fraud. In case you run into this problem during your day-to-day activities on the Web - Here are some fraud protection tips that can help you avoid or minimize the effects of this online scam:

Fraud Protection Tips Against Tech Support Scams This Year

1. Use a reliable system security tool from a reputable company. Install one that has a real time scanning engine and a threat removal function, particularly something that uses minimal device resources. This can offer round the clock fraud protection in your device.

2. Use your system security tool to scan anything that you download from the Internet and from your email client program, Web mail platform, instant messaging application, social media accounts and so on. This is an effective fraud protection strategy because you'll be able to know if the content is injected with malicious code. Remember, authors of tech support scams distribute malware to compromise the devices of their target users, in order to display pop-ups and system freeze messages.

3. If you start to get pop-ups that try to scare you into calling a toll free number, then it's best to call the official tech support department of your OS (operating system), device manufacturer or software vendor. A proactive fraud protection strategy is to keep these official phone numbers handy, just in case. They'll be able to help you remove this malware and also provide you tips on how to avoid the same problem in the future.

4. Sign up at BigScammers.Com to receive email updates and alerts about the newest variants of ransomware and tech support scams. This will allow you to identify key strategies to quickly recognize and avoid these newest forms of tech support fraud.