Big Scammers

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Essential Fraud Report Practices

Every fraud report filed in the government website plays a significant part in finding the fraudster or resolving a fraud scheme. It is the primary reason why the law enforcers and other affected industries are always encouraging victims of fraud to report their experience. The more reports the law enforcers receive the better leads they get and faster they can work cases. All the efforts against fraud are nothing without the willingness of the victims to file a report against fraud schemes that they ran into. 

There are many different types of fraud. Many of these lurk around the Internet laying traps for their victims.  The schemes and tactics used by these fraudsters are ever changing, which is a part of their plan so they can avoid leaving traces of their identification that can lead to their arrest. Since the Internet is such a big place, it is difficult for government agencies and law enforcers to track and find all the fraudster online. This is where the importance of fraud reporting comes in. There are some basic things that you need to remember when reporting fraud. To give you some idea about these things, see the details below;

Essential Parts of Fraud Report

     Provide information about the origin of the attack. One of the best ways to help law enforcers understand the ordeal you went through is to walk them through the process. So you begin with how the fraudster reached out to you, including all the details that the fraudster used to introduce himself. These details may include the name, picture, profession, company, affiliations and location that were used by the fraudster in order to gain your trust.

     If you are using a fraud reporting online platform to file a report, make sure to answer as many questions as you can in the complaint form and just add further details using the text box provided where you can narrate additional information pertaining to the case. Note that the answers to the questions provided in online complaint forms are usually the key information the law enforcers need in order to consider your report valid for investigation.

     Provide copies of your correspondence such as, the exchange of emails, chat, mobile conversations and receipts of the money or valuables that the fraudster took from you. These documents will help prove your claim that a crime has been committed against you and that there was a clear malicious intent to deceive and manipulate you so the fraudster can get what they needed from you.

     Attach copy of any prior fraud report that you may have filed with the company related to the case such as your credit card provider, your bank or a complaint you filed on the website where you met the fraudster.

The amount of details you can put in on these key elements will determine the usability of the fraud report that you filed. All the law enforcers need to do now is cross reference with your report to other information rich relevant reports so they can confirm how, why and when a specific fraudster is attacking its victims. These are the primary elements that a fraud report should answer in order to serve its purpose.