Big Scammers

Friday, November 27, 2015

Online Fraud in the Casino Industry

The virtual casino industry has grown in leaps and bounds over the last 10 years. Today millions of people tune in to play their favorite card game on various web platforms from around the world. The growth of the online gambling industry has ensured people now have the opportunity to win tons of money in the form of reward money. However there are some major concerns as well and chief among them is the possibility of online fraud.

With the proliferation of virtual casinos, the number of online fraud cases has also increased significantly. The problem is further exasperated when you consider that there are no uniform international gaming laws in places to address the issue of online fraud. This means, virtual casinos can freely set up offices in remote countries like Costa Rica or Malta and then woo thousands of customers by promoting a series of bogus casino sites. These sites offer all kinds of discounts and cash money awards to the public. People who fail to conduct a basic background check on the site, end up spending a lot of money during registration. And things only get worse from there. The site will make the player feel like he is winning a lot of money while playing the games. When it is time to pay up, the company will come up with all kinds of excuses to delay payment. They will instead convince the player to wager his earnings into playing more. In the process, the player would make repeated deposits down the line once he runs through the winnings. Hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting players have been swindled by various casino companies and as a consequence online fraud continues to persist to this day. Here are some simple tips to ensure that you never fall victim to any of these scams.

Check the Website

For starters, if you receive a call or a mail from the representatives of a virtual casino, the onus is on you to ensure that you don’t become a victim of online fraud. Check the casino website to see where the company is based. Legitimate casino companies provide accurate contact information to players. If the company is based in some remote country like Gibraltar or the Isle of Mann, you should know that these places have very weak gaming laws and you cannot even hope to file an appeal against the company and win if you feel you have been cheated. On the other hand, the UK has very strict gaming laws and companies that are based there have to follow a strict set of guidelines to ensure that the players are not scammed.

Things to Expect

It would also be immensely helpful to do a general background check on the site as well. Your objective should be to join a site which offer great returns on investment. It would be preferable to pick sites that have won several awards for providing quality casino facilities for online players. Make sure these platforms have plenty of players and regularly hosts a number of tournaments with serious prize money. The equality of graphics should be excellent. Remember that you will be playing games in front of the computer for hours which can sometimes make the proceedings a little boring. So virtual casinos that provide aesthetically designed interactive platforms should be ones that get your vote.

Most importantly, pick online casinos that have a reputation for prompt payments. This is by far, the most serious form of online fraud while dealing with virtual casinos. In traditional casinos, you can exchange your chips for cash at the end of play and walk out smiling. However, with virtual casinos, that guarantee is not there and you need to wait until the end of the month for the company to transfer the money to your account. Hundreds of thousands of players have lost all their winnings because the company failed to pay. So make sure to pick online casinos that enjoy a rock solid reputation for prompt payment. This is key to having good experience with online casinos and avoiding online fraud.

One way of doing that is by checking the best casinos on the web. Try and limit your choices to the top ten. You also need to regularly visit chat forums where players from different casino sites converge to discuss their gaming experiences. This could prove to hugely useful and might be helpful towards pointing you in the right direction. You also get to know the strengths and weaknesses of all the top casinos in the world.