Big Scammers

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Report Dating Scams: Signs Of Online Romance Fraudsters

No one who visits a dating site looks for anything but love.But, unfortunately in this day and age of fast love, what you see is not what you get! Digital dating has made it possible for you to be lured by romance scammers. They are after you, but the aim is to not part with your heart, but your cash. Reporting dating scams is essential  if you want to protect your life and your money. Because the scammer in many cases is not just after cash. He or she is after your life! While this may sound dramatic, it has the merit of being true. The fraudsters are genuine pros who know how to trick you and deceive you into a fall sense of security. The truth of the matter is that these con men and women are part of international crime syndicates that may not hesitate to trick you and steal your identity. Here are the signs of online romance fraudsters which point to the need to report dating scams. After all, if you're not a victim, this does not mean others cannot be so.

Sign#1 Con Stories That Seem Real

Once the con artist has made first contact, he or she will the lure you with false promises, sweet talk, sugar coated words and promises. Victims may have found what they think is true love, only to realize they are dealing with cold and purposeful criminal gangs. Most of these gang members are based in Ghana, Nigeria and Eastern Europe. The aim here is to defraud people and trick them into parting with their cash as well as their personal details.

Sign#2: First Date or Crisis?

The real trouble starts when the victim approaches the date only to be given a blow to the head (or worse a sob story) designed to rob you of your ability to defend yourself. When it comes to romance scammers, love has got nothing to do with it, but money has. A convincing story will be made up. Emergencies will be invented. The purpose of all of these is to convince you to part with your money and personal details. The aim is to ask for higher sums of money. So, if you don’t make the effort to report dating scams, you or someone else may be asked to part with money and even their lives at a later stage. Considering how high the stakes are, reporting dating scams might be a good idea because this is the only sensible option before you. Many people lose hundreds of thousands of dollars or euros falling prey to some scammer. Don’t fall prey to the scammer.  This is more so if you are emotionally vulnerable or grieving following the loss of a loved one. Emotionally vulnerable people make for easy targets. They are also less likely to report dating scams. This is why the romance scammer picks on them.

Sign#3: Trusting Strangers Blindly: When Love Blocks Intuition & Sense

Another sign you are in the clutches of a romance scammer is that they have got you convinced and eating from the palm of their hands. Never send money to people you have never met. If you are asked to wire money, it's a sure sign that it is a scam. Why? Because money wires cannot be traced. Keep your eyes open and your purse strings close, when it comes to these heartbreaking romance scammers. Reporting dating scams can put an end to their emotional abuse for once and for all.