Big Scammers

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Avoiding Credit Card Fraud Online

The rise of the Internet has made shopping infinitely easier. People can order a wide range of products at attractive discounts from the comfort of their home and also have it delivered to their doorstep. The popularity of various e-commerce platforms has made customers increasingly dependent on their credit cards to carry out more of their purchases.
While the benefits to online shopping are many, there are also some dangers that we need to be aware of. First among them is that of credit card theft. With cyber criminals looking to constantly steal credit card information of customers, here are some simple tips you can use to avoid credit card fraud.
Use Disposable or Virtual Credit Cards  
You can prevent the possibility of credit card fraud by opting for disposable or virtual credit cards. This facility is available with most banks and allows customers to create virtual credit cards for a specific amount. This way, you can do your shopping with these disposable credit cards without having to part with your real credit card details. The online company will also accept these cards like they accept all other credit cards. Even in the rare case of credit card theft, you will lose only the amount of the money that has been assigned for that particular card.
 Liability Protection for Your Credit Card
According to Federal law, customers who make purchases through credit cards are liable only up to $50 of fraudulent purchases. Unfortunately, these laws differ widely for both credit and debit cards and quite different with banks that issue them as well. Hence it might take customers considerable amount of time to process claims in case of credit card theft and this can be an extremely difficult period if you have been left to deal with an empty account. However liability protection might offer some respite and you can go to the FTC website to check and see how best you could limit these credit card fraud losses.  
Don’t Store Credit Card Details on Websites 
A lot of e-commerce platforms and other payment related websites provide customers the opportunity to store their credit card details. Customers also find this convenient because they do not have to re-enter those numbers every time they come online to make a purchase. They fail to realise that by storing their credit card details, they become increasingly vulnerable to credit card theft online. There are many cyber criminals who make a living hacking into websites to steal a bunch of credit card numbers and if you happens to be one of them, you could end up becoming a serious victim of online fraud. While it might be tedious to re-enter the numbers every time you make a purchase, you can feel safe about the fact that you are reducing the possibility of someone committing credit card fraud with your credit card details.
Regularly Check Monthly Statement  
One of the biggest problems with credit card fraud is that many people do not come to know about it on time. Cyber criminals have become very clever today. Rather than spend lumps sums of money with your credit card, they end up making small purchases, which makes it easy to avoid detection. People who do not check their credit card statements regularly are at a risk of losing thousands of dollars over the course of the next few months.  With modern banking apps available for download on your smartphone, you can check your monthly statement even while you are on the move.