Big Scammers

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Recognizing Phishing Scams For Alertness and Reporting

With the increase in the use of the Internet, phishing scams are increasing in Geometric Progression. In fact, phishing scams have become an alluring profession by itself and more and more techniques and devices are being generated to rob you of your hard earned money. The scammers use email messages, phone calls and websites for achieving these ends. It is therefore essential that you recognize different kinds of phishing scams and report the same.

  • Modus Operandi of Phishing Scams
The phishing scammers install malicious software (malware) on your computer that steals your important personal information and they use the same fraudulently to make financial gains for themselves. They use social engineering to convince you for installing malicious software, in the name of cyber security. They send you emails, call over phone and convince you for downloading something from a specific website
  • Recognizing Phishing Scams
  • Spelling and Grammar
Legitimate organizations have staff of copy editors who are good in grammar and don’t send out mass emails to others. Scammers are usually not well-versed with grammar. Therefore, be alerted if you observe any kind of grammatical or spelling mistakes in the email you receive.

  • Links in emails:
If the slightest doubt comes to your mind, instead of clicking on the email message, rest your mouse over the link to find out whether the address matches the link that has been typed on the message. You may find that the link may reveal the real web address, as exhibited, whereas the string of cryptic number does not look like the web address of the company. If you follow the directed link, you may be lead to exe files that are meant to spread malicious software
  • Threats
You may receive a threat through email that your bank or credit card account will be closed if you don’t respond to an email. Scammers often threaten you that your security has been compromised.
  • Spoofing Trusted Websites or Companies
Artists of phishing scams use graphics in emails that exactly resemble legitimate websites. But, as a matter of fact, they drive you to fake sites or genuine-looking pop-up windows. They also use web addresses that are look-alikes, with minutest alteration.
  • Phone Calls
Through ‘cold calls’, scammers offer help to solve your computer problems or sell you a software license. After gaining your confidence, they ask for your personal information

Report Phishing Scams

     To the Federal Trade Commission in the United States
     To the Canadian Anti-Fraud Center in Canada

Microsoft Tools for Reporting

     Internet Explorer: If you land on a suspicious site, click the gear icon and then point your browser to ‘Safety’. After that, click on ‘ Report Unsafe Website’ and make use of the web page which is displayed for reporting to the website (Erstwhile Hotmail): Click on the box lying next to the message on your Outlook inbox. Then, click the arrow, adjacent to ‘Junk’ and point to “Phishing Scam”
     Microsoft Office Outlook; 2010 & 2013: First right-click on the suspicious message, then point to “Junk” and then click on “Report Junk”