Big Scammers

Sunday, April 16, 2017

How to Conduct Your Own Dating Fraud Investigation

Learning how to conduct your own dating fraud investigation is essential if you are planning to join the online dating community. Due to the growing number of online dating fraudsters, many people in the dating community are now beginning to conduct their own fraud investigation in order to confirm the intention of their prospect partners.

By combining the available resources online, you too can check whether your prospect online partner is genuinely interested in you or is just trying to gain your trust in order to scam you. Online dating fraudsters primarily capitalizes on your romantic attachment with them in order to take advantage of you. They try to appeal to your emotions so they can subtly ask for money or other valuable favors. Once they are done getting money from you they begin to lose interest and stop communicating, leaving you penniless and traumatized by the experience. In order to avoid becoming one of the victims of these malicious schemes, it is best to learn how to conduct online dating fraud investigation. To give you some idea on how to conduct online dating fraud investigation of your own, see the details below;

Tips on How to Conduct Your Own Fraud Investigation
   The primary step will be to check the truthfulness of the profile of your prospect online date partner. One of the best things about conducting a fraud investigation is you just need to uncover a single lie and all the rest of the illusion created by the fraudster will begin crumbling down. The profile of the fraudster is usually where their dubious scheme begins. Most of these fraudsters use a stolen identity or a fake dating profile to make themselves look attractive to their target victims, so by checking the validity of their profile you can immediately determine if your prospect online date partner is lying or not. To do this, all you have to do is copy paste the profile picture they are using Google image search engine. The result should automatically reveal where else online can you find the same picture. Based on the results, you can check whether the similar picture is indeed who they say they are in their online dating profile.  If there are some inconsistencies, then, chances are you are dealing with a fraudster.

     Use the profile information of your prospect online date to search online. Conduct online fraud investigation by using the name of your prospect. Check out whether the same name is associated with any reported dubious scheme online such as online dating scam forums, blog sites and websites. You may also look into the social sites such as Facebook. If you find that their Facebook profile is too generic or without any trace of their origin, affiliations or friends, then chances are they may be hiding something.

     Another tactic that you can include in your fraud investigation is to ask for a video chat session. If they are really who they say they are then they should be able to talk to you live. During the video chat, check out the background or ambient noise to confirm their location. A fraudster who would say yes to a video chat would likely be in an unnaturally quiet environment with nothing but plain walls in the background. This is because they do not want to give any indicators that might give away their location. 

The details provided above are just some of the online dating fraud investigation that you can easily conduct before you decide to emotionally invest on a prospect partner.