Big Scammers

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Why You Should Report Credit Card Fraud to the Local Police

Despite the many options to report credit card fraud, filing the fraud report to your local police station is still the most highly recommended method to resolve a credit card fraud scheme. Most of the websites where you can report credit card fraud are mediating agencies. After you file a credit card fraud incident to any of these agencies the investigation worthy report still goes directly to local authorities, which pertains to your local police station, so if you have the time then you might as well cut the chase and report credit card fraud directly to your local police station.
To give you some ideas why you should report credit card fraud to your local police, check out the details below;
Why Report Credit Card
  • Credit card fraud is considered an identity theft case. One of the recommended steps that a credit card victims should take is to file a report to their local police station this is as stated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the FDIC. You can do this right after you inform your credit card provider, as soon as you find out about the said fraud incident. This is one of the prerequisites of being absolved from any charges incurred by the fraudster using your credit card information. Victims are also encouraged to do their part and report the incident to the Federal Trade Commission or FTC. The FTC and your credit card provider can both issue an affidavit, which you will need so you can file a police report.

  • Aside from being one of the requirements of FDIC, reporting to the local police station helps empower you as a victim. Most of the victims of credit card often refuse to take action against the fraudster because they feel helpless and traumatized. However, the truth is, when you report credit card fraud you also begin to regain your confidence and start to feel empowered since you are no longer alone in your goal to put behind fraudsters behind bars.

  • Using the local police report you filed, you now have a full proof evidence to prove your innocence in case your name gets dragged into any illegal activities in the future. Fraudsters can do more than just use your credit card information to access your credit resources. Sometimes they may even use your identity to commit more serious illegal activities. Utilizing the police report you filed, you can prove that your identity was utilized without your permission.

  • When you report credit card fraud to your local police station, you are also increasing the probability of getting the fraudster caught. You’ll never know, the information that you have a credit card fraudster might just be the missing piece that the police need in order to arrest a credit card fraudster. The more information the police has on a credit card fraud case the higher the chance that they can resolve the incident faster.

The details provided above are just some of the reasons why you should report credit card fraud to the police station in your area.