Big Scammers

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Indicators of Internet Scams

Knowing the key indicators of Internet scams allow you to easily identify them and protect yourself against their negative effects. Coming in contact with an Internet scam is impossible to avoid, however, significantly lowering your chance of becoming one of the victims of this scam is something that is within your control. One of the primary steps that you can take to make this possible is to educate yourself about the key indicators of Internet scams, by doing so, even if you run into any of these scams you don’t necessary have to incur any losses or be manipulated into their scheme. This is the reason why knowing how to identify Internet scams is important. To give you some of the key indicators of Internet scams, see the details below;
How to Identify Internet Scams
  • Too good to be true offers. Regardless if it’s a job a product or a service, if you feel that it's too good to be true then maybe you should step back and analyse before you finally decide to take the plunge. Most online scams provide too good to be true offer in order to catch the attention of their target victims. Once the attention of the victim is shifted to the false advertisement it is much easier for the scammer to manipulate them into following orders.

  • Be careful of emails and websites that require your account or personal information.  Internet scams like phishing and identity theft usually utilize various methods to lure their victims into voluntarily providing their bank or credit card login details. This is the reason why you have to be critical of the websites where you conduct payments or other where you have to put in your personal information. Once these scammers get your information, you’ll never know what other illegal activities these scammers might drag your name into.

  • Observe language skills. You’ll likely realize by now that many Internet scams are often conducted by non-english speakers who are claiming that they are an official representative of a legit company in the US. By observing the language command skills of the sender of the email or the websites you can easily tell if the sender is who they say they are or better yet call the company directly if you have any suspicion.

  • Check if there are any special characters in the URL. Fraud websites often use special characters in the URL of their website. Fake sites such as clone sites can only copy the Web interface of the site they are trying to clone. Fraudsters cannot copy the URL of any website since the URL is unique to every specific Web page on the Internet, so instead they use special characters that will make the URL look closely similar to the URL of the original page. If you see any special character in the URL of the page you are transacting with then chances are it is a fake site.

The details provided are some of the key indicators of common Internet scams.