Big Scammers

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Tips to Report Phishing Websites that Misrepresent Trusted Organizations

Internet scammers are becoming more creative and cunning in evolving confidence tricks. No longer do phishing emails come written in lousy grammar or from strange and suspicious websites. Nowadays, phishing websites clone genuine and trusted websites, so that internet users can be lured to walk in without a second thought. In the recent years, cyber security has witnessed lot of efforts from people to report phishing websites that mimic:
     Top MNCs and Government organizations with emails directing job seekers to enter phishing websites and even pay upfront for deposits and application fees
     Government departments such as the IRS and the FBI. Many businesses receive false notices from phishing websites that their taxes are overdue or that some compliance has not been met with.
     Technical support scam is the most happening type of scam, where people must report phishing websites immediately, that requires them to download malware into their systems.
     Banks are among the top misrepresented organizations by way of phishing websites. This is the reason why many banks urge their customers to use their customized secure platform to access internet banking and to report phishing websites that may approach their customers.
Report phishing websites to the organizations misrepresented
This will help in getting the crime resolved much faster. To report phishing websites, an email complaint must be directed to the organization that has been mimicked by the scammers. A screenshot of the phishing website will be of immense help. Most business houses have a strong scam protection department which will ensure speedy action against their identity being misused. Even in the case where the duplication in name and identity has happened without any ulterior motive, they will proceed with legal charges for infringement of intellectual property. In these cases, the victims must produce records of all email threads and details of financial transactions performed on the phishing websites.
Report phishing websites while shopping online
Online shopping portals witness huge amount of financial traffic, with shoppers paying by means of credit, debit cards and net banking. Many phishing websites that misrepresent trusted shopping portals like Amazon, eBay and Flipkart are on the active scenario, where attempts to report phishing websites are overlooked. These scammers make a large amount of money by redirecting online payments as well as commence bigger financial frauds like identity fraud. Using the credentials keyed in, the scammers are able to hack into the bank accounts of the victims. This necessitates an urgent need to report phishing websites.
Report phishing websites to cyber police
One cannot underestimate the importance of this statement. Different cybercrime protection agencies operate in different jurisdictions. There are many watchdog organizations like Action Fraud, Identity Theft Resource Center, to mention a few, that can navigate victims and connect them to the right places to report phishing websites. For the citizens of US, complaints to report phishing website can be lodged with the IC3, which is a multi-pronged organization that challenges cybercrime. In UK, Action Fraud is the cyber hygiene enhancer, which accepts complaints of phishing websites.