Big Scammers

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Three Sensible Ways to Report Dating Scams

It can be very difficult and cumbersome to report dating scams, if the victim does not follow some prudent and sensible steps when doing so. In addition to facing an emotional breakdown on discovering the fake online dating relationship, the victims often find themselves robbed of their hard-earned savings to the scammers. The following are some sensible ways to report dating scams...

#1 Report Dating Scams to banks and wire transfer services

In most cases, people proceed to report dating scams only when they find that their financial data have been manipulated or that they have responded to fake calls of sympathy. The most prudent way in these cases will be to:
     Get in touch with bank and credit card issuing companies, in order to effectively lock the accounts or freeze cards, as the case may be.
     Report dating scams to wire transfer services such as Western Union etc. in the event of any money wired to the fake partner for helping him/her.
     There is a remote possibility that such money has not been credited to beneficiary and is still in transit. In such cases, to report dating scams to these companies is worthwhile.

#2 Report Dating Scams to dating websites

Usually, people get hitched with their online love relationships from a recognized dating websites. All genuine dating websites have provisions for lodging complaints on dating scams. These websites are on the lookout for scammers so that their websites can be steered clear of fake profiles. In such cases, the victims must:
     Use the online reporting tool provided by the websites
     Upload any proof that is available which may be useful in nabbing the scammers
     Any records of private conversation by way of chat or email outside the dating platform will constitute valuable evidence.
One sign of a dubious online partner is the tendency to encourage private chat and phone calls, instead of using the services of dating websites.

#3 Report Dating Scams to cyber police

Law enforcers like the FBI, Action Fraud and the cyber police of different countries are working round the clock to prevent the occurrence of online dating scams. Complaints to such agencies will be effective only if:
     All instances of corresponding with third parties endorsed by the scammer, such as family, friends and acquaintances of the scammer must be reported in copious detail
     A cybercrime report from the Police must be obtained, which will serve as a foundation to file law suits for recovery of financial damages.
     Records of all financial transactions with the scammers, such as bank statements, credit card statements, letters, hard copies of emails, photographs and video clips must be produced for forensic investigation.
     Any details that will be useful in tracking the scammers such as landline phone number, postal address or official addresses of the romance scammers will throw light on the direction in which systematic criminal investigation must commence.

As a general rule, it is highly recommended to stop all communications with the scammers, once the infidelity comes to light.