Big Scammers

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What is Internet Fraud and How You Should Protect Yourself From It?

Online commerce has revolutionized the way we conduct our business on a day to day basis. Customers now have the opportunity to buy anything online and have it delivered at their doorstep. From groceries to expensive consumer gadgets, ordering through web based retail stores has made shopping a whole lot simpler. Banks and credit card companies also empower customers these days by providing secure and encrypted access to online funds. And yet we constantly hear news about how people got ripped off through online scammers. These cyber criminals have orchestrated a number of scams that has resulted in losses worth millions of dollars every year. In order to protect yourself from such scams, it is essential to first understand , “What is internet fraud?” 
What is Internet Fraud and How Do You Spot It? 
Internet fraud usually constitutes a financial scam where as a customer you are promised a certain product or service. Once you have made your payment, all communications from the seller stops and end up being a victim of an online.
When you ask the question what is internet fraud, you should know that there are thousands of examples of fraud. If you take identity theft for instance, there are many variations to it. But by far the most common is credit card fraud where confidential log in details related to your account ends up being exposed online. In such a position, the scammer can simply use your stolen credit card to make purchases of his own and you might not have an inkling of the scam until you see your monthly statement.  
Now this type of fraud is usually carried out through phishing practices where the scammers creates fake websites that have been designed closely to resemble those of popular banks, credit card companies and other payment systems. You would then receive a mail in your system stating that your account has been frozen and you can reactivate by simply clicking on the link provided below. This will then redirect you to the fake website where you would end up sharing your password while trying to log in. The scammer will not be in possession of confidential financial information and it is just a matter of time before he starts to swindle you without you even knowing it.
For people wondering ‘what is internet fraud’ this is the point where you need to be very careful. For starters, when you receive such a mail, you should know no professional company will ever ask for your password or log in details through the internet. If you receive a mail with such a request, check the url, you would realize it was not sent by the company but rather some cyber criminal. Worse, the id would even a public email id like Gmail or Yahoo which should make it all the more easier to spot the scam.  
Another aspect you need to consider while thinking about ‘what is internet fraud’ is the online platforms you use to make payments. This is crucial. You should use online retail stores that best standards of encryption to prevent their servers from getting hacked. This will ensure your credit card details never get leaked online.
There are also other types of internet scams when we talk about ‘what is internet fraud’. One online scam that has generated worldwide notoriety is the Nigerian 419 scam where people get contacted out of the blue for their help in moving large amount of money to a foreign country. If you suddenly receive a mail from a family in Africa promising to pay you hundreds of thousands of dollars in commission, you should frankly delete that mail immediately and apply appropriate filters so that you do not receive such mails in the future. People who responded to such mails out of greed, eventually had to pay hundreds of dollars in ‘processing fees’. They never received any commission in return and the scammers ended up having the last laugh. While learning about ‘what is internet fraud’, you should know that there are many variations of the same scam.  
You could be contacted by a travel company from abroad which suddenly declares you as the winner of a trip to Europe. Here too you would be required to pay the processing fee before you can get your hands on the ticket. You should question yourself, “What is the probability of me winning a ticket from a foreign company when I haven’t taken part in any contest?” That itself should you tell that this another example of what is internet fraud. Then there is also the scam where you suddenly see a pop up while browsing with the announcement that you just won the latest iPhone or Samsung Galaxy phone. This scam too works on similar lines and the best response is to not reply at all.
When it comes to knowing ‘What is internet fraud’, one key attribute every online consumer must possess is a healthy distrust of the internet. Every time you suddenly see an amazing offer or a call for help from a random source, you should double check and triple check to ensure that it is genuine. Look for the UrL extention. If the company looks solid, then do a simple Google search to see what comes up. Stay away from sleazy sites that have a bad reputation for being infested with scammers. Follow good browsing habits and put a decent anti virus software on your system to protect it from spyware. With these simple measures, you can greatly reduce the possibility of online fraud.