Big Scammers

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Don’t Fall Victim to Credit Card Fraud

Credit card fraud results in losses worth millions of dollars annually for online businesses across the globe. Cyber criminals these days have devised a number of methods to scam companies and customers. Here are tips to help you prevent the possibility of credit card fraud.  
Regularly Update your Shopping Cart Software
Fraudsters are always looking to find loopholes in your security system and if you give them enough time, they will eventually manage to find one that could prove costly to your business. Hence make it a point to regularly update your shopping cart software. This strengthens the firewalls already put in place and also ensures that your online site is fully compliant with the payment processing industry’s security safeguards.  
Compare IP and Credit Card Address  
Certain credit card fraud involves the use of false delivery addresses. The IP address from where the order was made would be originating from a different place when compared to the address mentioned on the credit card. While this is not a certainty for credit card fraud, it would be advisable to keep an eye on the issue. However you should also note that many customers like to order products as gifts for loved ones. 
Use Fraud Detection Services 
E-commerce platforms can use the help of fraud detection services like ESurksha, and Actimize to help avoid credit card fraud. You would be required to pay a monthly fee for using these services but the advantage here being is that you could end up saving a lot more by cutting down on the instances of chargebacks your business is likely to incur.  
Focus on Suspicious E-mail Ids
Fraudsters are often known to indulge in credit card fraud by using a number of e-mail ids. If you find a customer using an email id like, you should try and track their spending habits on your site. It is also a good idea to keep a cap on the number of declined payments that can occur on your interface. It is natural for customers to fill out the wrong details which leads to a botched payment every once in a while. But if this is going to occur frequently with certain customers, it could end up being a classic case of credit card fraud. Maintain a log of customers who have had multiple declined transactions and investigate the issue. 
Ask for Security Code
In a bid to make payment processes quicker, many e-commerce companies have resorted to asking very little information about the purchaser’s identity. This is a mistake if you are keen on reducing credit card fraud.  Make sure customers are asked to punch in their security code towards the end of every financial transaction. This way, if a cyber-criminal happens to own a digital copy of your credit card, he would still require the 3 digit security code which can be acquired only if he physically possesses the card. 
Tracking Order and Signatures 
Ensure that during shipping, your products have tracking details on them. This will enable both the company and the customer to be aware of when the delivery would actually take place. You also need to get the customers signature post-delivery to prevent them from claiming that they haven’t received the product.