Big Scammers

Monday, November 23, 2015

Internet Fraud in the Finance Sector and How to Avoid It

Internet fraud, also known as cyber crime and has affected millions of people from around the globe. Criminals use a number of methods to trap innocent customers. They can target you by using elaborate phishing scams, computer viruses or even install a Trojan horse on your system to get hold of all your financial information. You can however combat internet fraud by following these simple steps listed below.
Check your Bank Statement  
Cyber criminals are known for making small purchases from stolen credit card information. This allows them to use the cards for long periods of time and still avoid detection. Hence as an online user, you must check your bank statement every week to ensure everything is alright. In the digital age, people can easily have the statements checked on their smartphones. This way, in the event of internet fraud, you can immediately take corrective action. 
Mail Attachments 
You need to careful while opening attachments that come with your e-mail. Many con artists are known to have their spyware uploaded as attachments. Apply rigorous filters to your e-mail id and also ensure you have the latest anti-virus software installed on your system. It would also be recommended to keep your operating system updated. This security patches that come with it will make it more difficult for viruses to hack into your system. 
Do Not Activate File Sharing 
If you plan on storing personal information, you need to make sure that the system’s file sharing facility remains inactive. Systems in a network are more prone to cyber attacks since people can access and check the files stored in each system individually. It is also a good practice to use strong passwords for all your online financial requirements. Modern day spyware are equipped to figure out easy passwords that feature only a string of alphabets or numbers. To make it harder, include upper and lower case keys in your password. 
Do Not Reveal Your PIN Code
Even if your own bank contacts you, it is important to know that the would under no circumstances ever ask your share your confidential details with them through phone or mail. This includes the username and password. If you receive an e-mail from your bank or any other organization, do not click on any link displayed below. It might be a phishing scam. 
Avoid Storing Financial Information on your Laptop  
It would be better to not store financial information on your laptop if you are type who is regularly only the move. In the event you lose your laptop or end up getting hacked, the resulting consequences could be hugely detrimental for you. There have been many victims who have ended up losing their entire life savings as a result of internet fraud. 
If you have to store the information, do it in way that it makes sense only to you. Store the information partially while you memorize the rest. This way, you can easily prevent internet fraud even if your system is under attack.  
Report Online Fraud  
If you do end up becoming a victim of internet fraud, you need to make sure that you report it. Any type of cyber crime, you can report the issue to a number of government authorities and wait for them to take corrective action. You can even file your complaints online.