Big Scammers

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Tips to Report Phishing Websites that Misrepresent Trusted Organizations

Internet scammers are becoming more creative and cunning in evolving confidence tricks. No longer do phishing emails come written in lousy grammar or from strange and suspicious websites. Nowadays, phishing websites clone genuine and trusted websites, so that internet users can be lured to walk in without a second thought. In the recent years, cyber security has witnessed lot of efforts from people to report phishing websites that mimic:
     Top MNCs and Government organizations with emails directing job seekers to enter phishing websites and even pay upfront for deposits and application fees
     Government departments such as the IRS and the FBI. Many businesses receive false notices from phishing websites that their taxes are overdue or that some compliance has not been met with.
     Technical support scam is the most happening type of scam, where people must report phishing websites immediately, that requires them to download malware into their systems.
     Banks are among the top misrepresented organizations by way of phishing websites. This is the reason why many banks urge their customers to use their customized secure platform to access internet banking and to report phishing websites that may approach their customers.
Report phishing websites to the organizations misrepresented
This will help in getting the crime resolved much faster. To report phishing websites, an email complaint must be directed to the organization that has been mimicked by the scammers. A screenshot of the phishing website will be of immense help. Most business houses have a strong scam protection department which will ensure speedy action against their identity being misused. Even in the case where the duplication in name and identity has happened without any ulterior motive, they will proceed with legal charges for infringement of intellectual property. In these cases, the victims must produce records of all email threads and details of financial transactions performed on the phishing websites.
Report phishing websites while shopping online
Online shopping portals witness huge amount of financial traffic, with shoppers paying by means of credit, debit cards and net banking. Many phishing websites that misrepresent trusted shopping portals like Amazon, eBay and Flipkart are on the active scenario, where attempts to report phishing websites are overlooked. These scammers make a large amount of money by redirecting online payments as well as commence bigger financial frauds like identity fraud. Using the credentials keyed in, the scammers are able to hack into the bank accounts of the victims. This necessitates an urgent need to report phishing websites.
Report phishing websites to cyber police
One cannot underestimate the importance of this statement. Different cybercrime protection agencies operate in different jurisdictions. There are many watchdog organizations like Action Fraud, Identity Theft Resource Center, to mention a few, that can navigate victims and connect them to the right places to report phishing websites. For the citizens of US, complaints to report phishing website can be lodged with the IC3, which is a multi-pronged organization that challenges cybercrime. In UK, Action Fraud is the cyber hygiene enhancer, which accepts complaints of phishing websites.

Three Sensible Ways to Report Dating Scams

It can be very difficult and cumbersome to report dating scams, if the victim does not follow some prudent and sensible steps when doing so. In addition to facing an emotional breakdown on discovering the fake online dating relationship, the victims often find themselves robbed of their hard-earned savings to the scammers. The following are some sensible ways to report dating scams...

#1 Report Dating Scams to banks and wire transfer services

In most cases, people proceed to report dating scams only when they find that their financial data have been manipulated or that they have responded to fake calls of sympathy. The most prudent way in these cases will be to:
     Get in touch with bank and credit card issuing companies, in order to effectively lock the accounts or freeze cards, as the case may be.
     Report dating scams to wire transfer services such as Western Union etc. in the event of any money wired to the fake partner for helping him/her.
     There is a remote possibility that such money has not been credited to beneficiary and is still in transit. In such cases, to report dating scams to these companies is worthwhile.

#2 Report Dating Scams to dating websites

Usually, people get hitched with their online love relationships from a recognized dating websites. All genuine dating websites have provisions for lodging complaints on dating scams. These websites are on the lookout for scammers so that their websites can be steered clear of fake profiles. In such cases, the victims must:
     Use the online reporting tool provided by the websites
     Upload any proof that is available which may be useful in nabbing the scammers
     Any records of private conversation by way of chat or email outside the dating platform will constitute valuable evidence.
One sign of a dubious online partner is the tendency to encourage private chat and phone calls, instead of using the services of dating websites.

#3 Report Dating Scams to cyber police

Law enforcers like the FBI, Action Fraud and the cyber police of different countries are working round the clock to prevent the occurrence of online dating scams. Complaints to such agencies will be effective only if:
     All instances of corresponding with third parties endorsed by the scammer, such as family, friends and acquaintances of the scammer must be reported in copious detail
     A cybercrime report from the Police must be obtained, which will serve as a foundation to file law suits for recovery of financial damages.
     Records of all financial transactions with the scammers, such as bank statements, credit card statements, letters, hard copies of emails, photographs and video clips must be produced for forensic investigation.
     Any details that will be useful in tracking the scammers such as landline phone number, postal address or official addresses of the romance scammers will throw light on the direction in which systematic criminal investigation must commence.

As a general rule, it is highly recommended to stop all communications with the scammers, once the infidelity comes to light.

Recognizing Phishing Scams For Alertness and Reporting

With the increase in the use of the Internet, phishing scams are increasing in Geometric Progression. In fact, phishing scams have become an alluring profession by itself and more and more techniques and devices are being generated to rob you of your hard earned money. The scammers use email messages, phone calls and websites for achieving these ends. It is therefore essential that you recognize different kinds of phishing scams and report the same.

  • Modus Operandi of Phishing Scams
The phishing scammers install malicious software (malware) on your computer that steals your important personal information and they use the same fraudulently to make financial gains for themselves. They use social engineering to convince you for installing malicious software, in the name of cyber security. They send you emails, call over phone and convince you for downloading something from a specific website
  • Recognizing Phishing Scams
  • Spelling and Grammar
Legitimate organizations have staff of copy editors who are good in grammar and don’t send out mass emails to others. Scammers are usually not well-versed with grammar. Therefore, be alerted if you observe any kind of grammatical or spelling mistakes in the email you receive.

  • Links in emails:
If the slightest doubt comes to your mind, instead of clicking on the email message, rest your mouse over the link to find out whether the address matches the link that has been typed on the message. You may find that the link may reveal the real web address, as exhibited, whereas the string of cryptic number does not look like the web address of the company. If you follow the directed link, you may be lead to exe files that are meant to spread malicious software
  • Threats
You may receive a threat through email that your bank or credit card account will be closed if you don’t respond to an email. Scammers often threaten you that your security has been compromised.
  • Spoofing Trusted Websites or Companies
Artists of phishing scams use graphics in emails that exactly resemble legitimate websites. But, as a matter of fact, they drive you to fake sites or genuine-looking pop-up windows. They also use web addresses that are look-alikes, with minutest alteration.
  • Phone Calls
Through ‘cold calls’, scammers offer help to solve your computer problems or sell you a software license. After gaining your confidence, they ask for your personal information

Report Phishing Scams

     To the Federal Trade Commission in the United States
     To the Canadian Anti-Fraud Center in Canada

Microsoft Tools for Reporting

     Internet Explorer: If you land on a suspicious site, click the gear icon and then point your browser to ‘Safety’. After that, click on ‘ Report Unsafe Website’ and make use of the web page which is displayed for reporting to the website (Erstwhile Hotmail): Click on the box lying next to the message on your Outlook inbox. Then, click the arrow, adjacent to ‘Junk’ and point to “Phishing Scam”
     Microsoft Office Outlook; 2010 & 2013: First right-click on the suspicious message, then point to “Junk” and then click on “Report Junk”

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Report Dating Scams: Signs Of Online Romance Fraudsters

No one who visits a dating site looks for anything but love.But, unfortunately in this day and age of fast love, what you see is not what you get! Digital dating has made it possible for you to be lured by romance scammers. They are after you, but the aim is to not part with your heart, but your cash. Reporting dating scams is essential  if you want to protect your life and your money. Because the scammer in many cases is not just after cash. He or she is after your life! While this may sound dramatic, it has the merit of being true. The fraudsters are genuine pros who know how to trick you and deceive you into a fall sense of security. The truth of the matter is that these con men and women are part of international crime syndicates that may not hesitate to trick you and steal your identity. Here are the signs of online romance fraudsters which point to the need to report dating scams. After all, if you're not a victim, this does not mean others cannot be so.

Sign#1 Con Stories That Seem Real

Once the con artist has made first contact, he or she will the lure you with false promises, sweet talk, sugar coated words and promises. Victims may have found what they think is true love, only to realize they are dealing with cold and purposeful criminal gangs. Most of these gang members are based in Ghana, Nigeria and Eastern Europe. The aim here is to defraud people and trick them into parting with their cash as well as their personal details.

Sign#2: First Date or Crisis?

The real trouble starts when the victim approaches the date only to be given a blow to the head (or worse a sob story) designed to rob you of your ability to defend yourself. When it comes to romance scammers, love has got nothing to do with it, but money has. A convincing story will be made up. Emergencies will be invented. The purpose of all of these is to convince you to part with your money and personal details. The aim is to ask for higher sums of money. So, if you don’t make the effort to report dating scams, you or someone else may be asked to part with money and even their lives at a later stage. Considering how high the stakes are, reporting dating scams might be a good idea because this is the only sensible option before you. Many people lose hundreds of thousands of dollars or euros falling prey to some scammer. Don’t fall prey to the scammer.  This is more so if you are emotionally vulnerable or grieving following the loss of a loved one. Emotionally vulnerable people make for easy targets. They are also less likely to report dating scams. This is why the romance scammer picks on them.

Sign#3: Trusting Strangers Blindly: When Love Blocks Intuition & Sense

Another sign you are in the clutches of a romance scammer is that they have got you convinced and eating from the palm of their hands. Never send money to people you have never met. If you are asked to wire money, it's a sure sign that it is a scam. Why? Because money wires cannot be traced. Keep your eyes open and your purse strings close, when it comes to these heartbreaking romance scammers. Reporting dating scams can put an end to their emotional abuse for once and for all.