Big Scammers

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Why You Must Report Fraud Websites to the FTC

One of the top government agencies where you can report fraud websites is through the FTC also known also Federal Trade Commission. The FTC is primarily established to protect the interest of both the consumer and businesses in order to create a healthy market relationship between the two sectors. This is the reason why they are also the primary go to agency in case there are any anomalies or irregularities that are causing loses or exercising unfair market practice in order to take advantage of any other these sectors.
Fraud websites are established for various reasons and may come in various forms. However, they all have one specific goal in mind, which is to gain illegal profit by taking advantage of the vulnerabilities of the consumers and businesses. The growing problem with fake websites and other forms of fraud, especially now that almost all industries are beginning to utilize online access in order provide a more access to their customers, is causing a lot of individuals and establishments millions of dollar worth of losses. This is the reason why numerous initiatives have been launched by the government to make addressing this problem faster and easier.
Most victims who report fraud websites become victims of phishing or identity theft. These two dubious schemes are both highly destructive types of online fraud.
Phishing is a form of online fraud conducted to manipulate their victims into unsuspectingly providing their online bank or credit card login details. The fraudster who uses this malicious scheme usually initiates attacks by sending email to random victims. They frequently use security breach an excuse to convince the victims to provide their login information as a form of confirmation of their identity. The fraudster does this by providing a fraudulent website that looks exactly like the legit bank or credit card’s login page. All the information entered through this fake website is automatically  stored for the fraudster’s use.  The fraudster uses the information that they gather to steal the money of the victim from the bank through wire transfer or use their credit card information to withdraw the victim's credit limit and turn in to cash which will be harder to trace.
Identity Theft
In some cases,  fraudsters use fraudulent websites to gather more than just the financial information of the victim. Some fraudsters go as far as gathering the personal information of their victims so they can use their identity to gain even bigger and better benefits such as applying for a housing loan, for a car loan or even committing illegal trade online. When a fraudster assumes your identity they can cause numerous problems which most people only find out after the fact. This is the reason why you have to report fraud websites.
The problems that come with fraud websites are too serious to be taken for granted this is the reason why you must report fraud websites immediately to the proper authorities so they can conduct a proper investigation and protect other people online from becoming a victim of this fraudulent site.