Big Scammers

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Revealing the Global Drug Plots of Romance Scammers

The word drug mule has become common in criminology of this era. Closely akin to money muling, drug muling is also targeted on innocent internet users, who subscribe to online dating services, for friendship and entertainment. Thousands of such believers of romance scammers are being caught and are sentenced to jail in foreign countries, accused of drug muling. An overview of drug scams and proactive measures to stay safe from these crimes have been discussed:
Romance scammers who act as agents of drug syndicates
Romance scam is a confidence trick that is carried out, edged with love and seduction as the baits for attracting innocent targets. Romance scammers invest time and effort to establish a steady and lasting relationship with the prospective victims and win their trust and confidence. However, in reality, what happens backdoor is:
  • An entire drug syndicate that engages in illegal trafficking of drugs in operation.
  • Using phishing attempts, they collect details on the personal and family background of the victim.
  • The scammers aid the vicious cycle by luring the victims with cajoling words and romantic gestures so that they have the victims crave for their online presence.
  • Attempts to hijack drugs ensue and they are made to look seemingly genuine, until the victim is unfortunately caught by law enforcers.
Drug muling can happen with the knowledge of victims
This is an extension of emotional blackmail and coercion. This criminal offence is on an increasing trend. The scheme uses the loneliness or the attention-craving mentality of the victims as a foundation to win their sympathy. It operates as under:
  • After establishing an inseparable relationship with the victims, romance scammers reveal their gory side- as drug peddlers.
  • They cite all morally justified but legally offensive reasons to reason their illegal activities. The reasons include saving money for a life-saving surgery, or a physical impairment that has deprived them of taking up employment elsewhere.
  • Romance scammers, as a next step, lure and convince the victims to help them out with smuggling drugs, wherein both of them can make money for making their future secure.
  • In addition to sympathetic attempts, threats can also be used, when the scammers are in possession of obscene  photographs or videos of the victims
In these cases, the victims knowingly submit to the con game of the dating scammers, for the simple reason, that they fear a separation if they fail to cooperate.
When to suspect illegal connections and report romance scammers
The following warning signs warrant drawing an end to the online relationship and steps must be taken to report romance scammers:
  • The dating scammers hesitate to use the communication channels of the online dating site and always prefer private chat.
  • They require you to carry documents or parcels and deliver them to their relatives or business acquaintances, more often than ordinarily acceptable.
  • The online partners are elusive to questions on educational or professional background.
  • The online partners avoid your family members.
  • They avoid revealing their permanent addresses.
In most cases, a harmless package of important business papers, requested to be carried by your online partner may be contraband that can make you a drug mule.