Big Scammers

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

How to Identify and Report Dating Scams

Learning how to identify and report dating scams is a must, if you wish to join the online, dating community. The number of online dating scam victims is growing at an alarming rate alerting the government and other relevant agencies to step up and take action. However, due to the magnitude of these dubious schemes, relying on the efforts of the government and the security of private agencies alone is no longer enough. Despite the current security measures and initiatives to educate the online dating community many people continue to fall for the same old dating scams.
This is the reason why you should take the initiative to acquaint yourself about the different types of dating scams. By learning to identify dating scams you can establish your own security plan on how you can protect yourself in case you run into one of these dubious dating schemes. This way aside from the protection provided by the dating site you frequent and the government mandated laws you also have your own layer of protection against these cyber criminals. All these measures combined significantly reduce your chance of becoming another victim of dating scams. To give you some idea on how to identify and report dating scams, see the details below:
Tips on How to Identify and Report Dating Scams
  • According to people who report dating scams, one of the most common indicators of a dating fraud is it’s usually too good to be true. If someone who is half your age, gorgeous looking with a good educational background, financially stable and successful, reaches out to you claiming they are interested, then you ought to take a closer look before you finally decide to take the plunge. This is a typical scenario of too go to be true situation.
Fraudsters often use attractive and profile photos and good credentials to attract more potential victims and avoid raising suspicion. Although, this alone is not enough for you to report as dating scam.
  • Dating site girlfriends or boyfriends who suddenly ask you to join a good investment opportunity is another way to identify a dating scam. Some victims report dating scams that involve false investment opportunities. Fraudster who uses this tactic capitalizes on your romantic relationship in order to convince you to join a malicious scheme. Once you turn them down, they begin to disengage in the relationship until eventually they stop all communication entirely.

You may report this type of behaviour directly to the dating site, so they can look into and find out if there is actually any malicious intent as you suspect. Afterwards the dating site can decide what to do base on their investigation.

  • Another way to identify a dating fraud is if your online dating partner keeps refusing to do video chat. Fraudsters usually refuse to do video chat because they are who they say they are and even if they do video, you’ll notice they usually have their back on a wall without any details or markers. This is so they can prevent you from getting a clue of their identity or location. Although this too is not enough reason for you to immediately report dating scams, it should be a good reason to take caution.
The details provided above are just some of the tips that you can use on how to identify and report dating scams.