Big Scammers

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Types of Internet Fraud You Should Be Aware Of

Fraud schemes that victimize customers and investors have been online for some time now. The creation of the Internet and the explosive growth of the World Wide Web has presented e-scammers with the golden opportunity to trick people online into parting with money. Online criminals have perpetrated internet fraud schemes to siphon off money through a vast majority of e-commerce routes. Read more about the types of internet fraud here.

Internet Fraud #1: Auction and Retail Scams

As per the FTC, fraudulent schemes appearing on online sites for auctions are among the leading form of internet fraud. Schemes purport to offer high value items that are likely to interest consumers. Schemes induce victims to send money for promised items, and deliver nothing or only an item far less of value than that which is promised. Counterfeit or altered goods may also be send in the place of legit products.

Internet Fraud #2: Work At Home Schemes

Fraudulent internet scams use online work at home ventures to advertise business opportunities. These schemes, instead of providing paying jobs, actually ask for money for training kits. The information is never imparted or is given in such a way that it does not make the work at home opportunity a viable business.

This type of internet fraud usually involves identity theft. This involves using someone else's personal data in the specific ways that involve deception or fraud, for economic gain. This may include names, SSN numbers, bank account or credit card details and more. Car loan applications were stolen to collect personal data in one such case of an identity theft scam.

Internet Fraud#4: Investment Schemes Online

Enforcement actions by the SEC and criminal prosecutions use two basic methods for manipulating securities market for personal profit. These schemes disseminate false information to cause dramatic rise in price to realize substantial profits before the stock price falls. Such stock price manipulation based on rumors and gossip result in pump and dump schemes. The aim is to realize substantial profits before the stock price falls to a low level. Buyers of stock unaware of how fake the information is become victims of the scheme once there is a price fall. 

Internet Fraud #5: Telemarketing Scams

Other fraudulent investment schemes combine the internet with mass marketing technology to reach potential victims. Partnerships may be proposed involving hi-tech investment which are actually a way to just defraud victims of millions.

Internet Fraud#6: Credit Card Scams 

Certain internet fraud scams appear to be variations to online auction schemes including credit card theft or unauthorized use of details to order goods and services online.
High value consumer items may be offered at extremely low prices. When potential customers contact the seller, they may either be met with no response, or worse, stolen credit card details which are then used to make off with money or buy products online.

These are just some of the common types of internet fraud. The essential point here is that you need to be alert or you could end up being a victim or even an unwitting accomplice. Check all the details carefully before taking the plunge, when it comes to commercial transactions.