Big Scammers

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Operation, Prevention and Post-Victimization Steps for Credit Card Fraud

Credit Card Fraud occurs when the fraudsters use the credit card of another person for making financial gain for themselves. It has been reported by Statistic Brain that 10% of Americans are falling victim to frauds associated with credit card.  It is therefore essential that you know about the operation, prevention and post-victimization steps, related to credit card fraud


The operators of credit card fraud use the information of your credit card, without your knowledge or permission for making unauthorized purchases or withdrawal of cash. As per the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the following are the operation strategies adopted for committing a credit card fraud.

     Theft: This is the most common mean in which the fraudster steals your credit card, physically, either from your wallet or the whole wallet.
    Dumpster Driving: The fraudsters thoroughly search your waste paper box or garbage bin and pick out the thrown out statements; such as credit card statement, bank statements or purchase receipts that carry your personal information. They also pick your unused credit card applications.
     Skimming: The fraudster or a hidden camera, takes photographs of your credit card or watches your operation of entering your PIN
     Phishing: Fraudsters, posing themselves to be from your bank or credit companies, through emails or phone calls, ask you to confirm the details such as your account number, account passwords, social security number or log in information
     Hacked Website: Hackers break into the servers of large companies and steal the credit card information of customers. Therefore, such large companies are adopting heavily adopted encrypted systems for deterring the hackers


The first step is to prevent it from happening by adopting presence of mind, prudence, alertness and strict vigilance. Keep your card and statements in the most secure place. Never carry your credit card or other documents containing your personal information,  in your wallet; and never lend your credit card; even to your closest friend or family member. Opting for electronic statement, instead of paper copies is still better. If you don’t need the old statements, toss them out after shredding the same. The following are other means of protection

   Check your account regularly and be alert of any entry of  unexpected transaction, particularly related to purchase
    Safe Shopping locations: Do not make any purchase on a public wireless network or public computer. In case of any suspicion, investigate first and log off the site after making a purchase
   Identity Theft Protection: Invest on Identity Theft protection, if you have many consistent buying, online and have time to look into your transactions, regularly.

Post-Victimization Steps
According to FTC, if you immediately inform the theft of your credit card, your liability is limited to $50 and nil for subsequent charges. The following are the steps to be followed
     Inform your credit card issuer about the situation
     Inform all the three credit card bureaus so that they flag your account
     Submit a Police Report
     File a complaint with the FTC
     Take out any credit card information, stored on any online stores
     Hire Credit Monitoring Service that informs you any such eventuality.