Big Scammers

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Be Aware of These Money Scams

There are numerous types of money scams running on internet such as fake gambling sites, fake prescription medicines, cheap mortgage selling companies, fake online loans, etc. Their sole purpose is to snatch your money from you and flee. 

Many common internet or money scams have prevailed over the web for several years now and some of them are still operating. For instance, the Nigerian 419 scams that have been around for decades. 

The 419 worked like this: The sender of the email addressed themselves as a government official, or wife or relative of a Nigerian tyrant, who depicts a sad account where millions were deposited in their bank account but they are not able to access it. However, if you are ready to help them, then you will get a big chunk of this treasure. For that you will just have to transfer few thousand dollars/euros/pounds, etc. into their account. 

This sounds quite ridiculous and phony when you think about it and many people would not believe this in the first instance. However, thousands of people fell for this money scam and lost their savings. 

Another type of scam that was quite popular was the one which promised massive returns if you made small investments. You will be assured that investing the money is risk free as it is not invested in any financial market. However, after the investment you don’t get any returns. You don’t even get you own money back which indicates that you have invested in a money scam.
People who have a bad credit to their name usually fall for credit card scams that offer them lower interest rates even if their score is ruined. The scammers then ask for a security deposit and administrative fees. They then inform you that within a period of 10 days, you will get your credit card. But you end up with… nothing. 

Another famous type of money scam is the multilevel marketing plan. Here you will be urged to buy a product that is expensive, with which you can then start your own chain of sellers that ensures a high amount of commission every month. The moment you pay for your product, the next second you will no longer find the existence of the company. Let alone the commission, you wouldn’t even get the service or product that you paid for.

The golden rule here to avoid being a victim of money scam is to ignore these benefits and plans offered by such companies. As soon as you get emails from such fraud companies just delete them and do not reply such spam emails. The most important rule for you to remember here is to never give out your personal information or bank details. Also, never enter your password in any email that you are sending. No legitimate company will ask for such details in emails. They are nothing but scams. So, beware!

If you find yourself in middle of a scam, the best thing is to report them as soon as possible. Notify your bank and also the local authorities. This way appropriate action would be taken against them.