Big Scammers

Monday, April 25, 2016

How to keep Yourself Protected from Dating Scams

When you register on a dating site, you should be aware of the fact that these platforms are frequently used by scammers looking to exploit lonely single men and women for their money. Every year, people end up losing thousands of dollars after thinking that they have found the perfect partner who understands them emotionally and spiritually only to be robbed and left heartbroken in the end. To avoid this from ever happening to you, follow some of the tips provided below to help detect some of the most notorious dating scams.

Research, Research and More Research

When you are looking to find an ideal mate online, you need to be cautious and careful. Sometimes it may feel that the above steps are extreme and unwarranted but they are necessary to absolutely rule out any possibility of dating scams.

Firstly, if you find a person whose profile is a close match to yours, it is a good idea to start a conversation with them. Get to know about their background which includes stuff like where they were schooled and also details about their professional life.

Now that you have a fair idea about the person, go online to check for the possibility of any dating scam. Look in sites like LinkedIn and Facebook  for the person and see if the details are identical. For example through the FB page, you can see if the person is real or not. People who use the social media platform actively are known to have at least 100 friends on an average and many of the posts printed on the forum would stretch back years. This proves that the account was not set up in haste. With LinkedIn, you can get even better results. Right from his schooling days to the place where he is currently working, you can find the whole curriculum vitae of the person. Moreover if he happens to be a pilot, he will have several connections with people who are from the aviation industry. You can fake your profile, but it is simply impossible to fake all your connections.  

The thing about dating scams is that people fail to realize its possibility until its too late. When you develop an emotional bond with a person, you begin to trust him blindly and it becomes difficult and pointless to question his every single move. So it is better to do a thorough background check right from the start which will really help to avoid most types of dating scams.

Never Give Money

Scammers indulge in dating scams so that they can get their victims to wire money. And they will come up with all kinds of reasons to get you to do. They might resort to emotional blackmail, give a sob story about their life or even tell you that they are going to come to your town just to meet you and hence need money for air travel.

One of the most commonly quoted reasons by scammers is claim someone in their family is sick and fighting for their life. He would then ask you to provide emergency financial assistance. Once you do send the money, you would be dismayed to see that the person has disappeared altogether and you will finally realize that you just became another victim of dating scams.
So as a principle its better to never send money to the person unless you have known for a long time and you implicitly trust him to be true in his character.

For more details on dating scams and other internet related information, visit and get all the latest updates.