Big Scammers

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How to Avoid Various Types of Online Girlfriend Scams

With the growing popularity of dating sites and social media in general, scams can never be too far away. Especially over the last 5 years, there has been a huge increase in girlfriend scams as a lot of people had their hearts broken. To make matters worse, these victims also lost thousands of dollars through the scam.

On the other hand, there have been many instances where girlfriend scams resulted in violence and in some cases even murder. Users tend to meet new people social media sites and dating platforms and then decide to meet. However after arriving at the agreed upon meeting place, the guy is confronted by a bunch of goons who take all his money. This type of incident has also resulted in murder when the guys tried to fight off the attackers. So when it comes to girlfriend scams, there are number of variations to it though the final outcome is to make money at the victim’s expense. To prevent this from ever happening to you, read some of the tips listed below.

When you develop an online relationship with some one through a dating site, you are bound to text and chat with each other often. However if the person seems to be very quick with her responses every time (typically within 5 minutes) you send her a text, you need to start being a little cautious. She could be a fraud or could be obsessed with you and both scenarios are not healthy for a relationship.

Another common way of detecting girlfriend scams through dating sites is to check for poorly written messages. According to research studies, a lot of scammers are known to originate from poor countries in Asia and Africa where English is not the first language. So if you find a lot of issues with grammar and the guy says he is definitely from the US, you obviously have a problem that needs to be dealt with.

Another common tip to figuring out girlfriend scams is that the person would start opening up to you rather early. You might have hardly been chatting up each other for a few days and the women on the other end would have already started to share personal stories. There is only so much a scammer could wait before getting to his game. So you need to especially cautious with such people cause you know what is coming next- sob stories that are supposed to tug at your heart strings.

The person would give all kinds of tragic reasons to explain why her life is nothing but misery. Then to make you feel connected, she will say how you made things for her better and how she has already fallen in love with you. She would then go on to explain how she is facing a major financial crunch because a family member is very sick and needs immediate doctor intervention. Finally she will ask you to lend a few thousand dollars which she can use for the surgery.

Never ever fall for these stories because the moment you said the money, she will completely disappear leaving you high and dry. You will not only look like a fool for helping a scammer but also be left heart broken. If you come across such a person, you are better off reporting the person for orchestrating girlfriend scams and then move on with your life. 
One useful tips a lot of people do these days is to check for background information once the member meets somebody interesting. Then go to sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to cross check the profile facts provided by the person. This is one idea way to detecting girlfriend scams as well. 

For more information on topics related to scams and how to stop them, go to the site