Big Scammers

Thursday, April 14, 2016

How to Avoid Online Fraud Like Dating Scams

If you are looking to find true love through the internet, you need to approach dating sites with a  lot of caution. While many people have managed to find the perfect partners, there have also been umpteen cases of online fraud. Dating scams are particularly difficult on an emotional perspective because more than the financial loss suffered, its breakdown of trust that takes a toll on the person once the scam comes to light. However, if you are careful, this does not have to happen to you and who knows, you could even find the person of your dreams. Just follow some of the how to avoid online fraud tips listed below

  • How to avoid online fraud tip 1

People who are members on dating sites look to find partners who have similar tastes or they have specific requirements which they will have included on the profile. The dating site comes with a built in algorithm which will look to try for matches based on the profile similarities and requirements. So scammers here will scour the net looking for people whom they think are vulnerable and then make changes to their own profile so that it will a match to that of their would be victims. So if you find a match that is ninety percent or more, do not take it for granted. Consider it just a starting step to what could be or not be the signs of a fruitful conversation with the other person.

  • How to avoid online fraud tip 2

When you strike up a conversation, you need to first get to know the person. Who is he, what does he do for a living, where does he stay and other related information about his background. Look for his identity on Linked In and social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. Scammers tend to create new profiles for dating sites which means there might not be a corresponding FB or Linked In profile. Even if the online profile exists, click on the profile to check and see how far back it goes, if the profile is new or barely there, there is plausible grounds to feel a little suspicious. While this is not a sure shot proof of online fraud, it should raise a red flag and compel you to proceed with caution. 

  • How to avoid online fraud tip 3

Scammers on dating sites like to keep conversations going with multiple people. This way, even if one of them does not work they have other people on standby. So these people will come across as very good listeners even if they do not happen to be very good speakers. This might be probably because they are talking to a lot of people at once.
Try to surprise the caller by calling him directly on the number provided on his profile. See if he has a discernible accent. If the guy happens to have a thick accent or if his command over the language is not fluent, he could be from Asia, Europe or anywhere else where English is not the second language. But if his profile lists him as American, you know that there is a very high chance of him being a scammer.

  • How to avoid online fraud tip 4

One of the biggest tips on how to avoid online fraud with dating sites is when the guy comes and asks you money barely few days of you knowing each other. He would use excuses like some family member is really sick and he urgently needs money for treatment. Or he might say that he is coming over to meet you and would appreciate if you could wire a little money for travel expenses. This is definitely an attempt to con you and you are better off if you sever all ties with him. 
Also report the user to the site management so that they can block his IP address in case he happens to keep creating new identities.

Go to Big Scammers, if you are looking to get more tips on how to avoid online fraud.