Big Scammers

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

How Cyber Criminals Use Social Media Updates to Carry Out Online Scams

People who are active on social media like to send out regular updates about their life to friends and family members. The updates in general could be simple and routine like ‘x’ is in a theater right now about to catch the latest Marvel movie or could be in a fancy restaurant with a bunch of friends, all of whom have been tagged. In some cases, we also see status updates where users convey their emotions. Case in point would be a situation where a friend declares that he or she is annoyed after a tiring day at work or is feeling sad about the end of a great vacation. 

Ideally these status updates on social media are just meant to be for fun but off late, cyber criminals have been using them to track and monitor people. This is especially the case with users who are about to take a long vacation to some foreign country. They provide updates on their schedules and upload tons of photos. Such users are always vulnerable to online scams and the reasons for it are quite obvious. 

Scammers regular scour the internet to look for people who are about to take a vacation. They then find out the details and do a little research on the person to get an idea of their background. The scammers then hack into their account and startworking on a number of online scams. The most common of online scams being here is to contact friends and relatives of the traveller with urgent messages. 

The message would be an urgent plea for help and would look like was sent by the actual traveller from his own account. The message would ask the receiver to quickly wire in money to a bank account detail provided below. Now with online scams like these, the response could always be a little mixed. Some people by nature are careful and suspicious and so they will make it a point to call the person who is out of town to confirm the request. 

While the others will consider the request to be genuine and will send in the money immediately thinking that their friend or family member is left stranded in a foreign country with little or no money. The fact that they received the message from the actual users account is good enough for them to consider it to not be one of those online scams. 

So scammers take both kinds of responses into account while sending carrying out their online scams. To have the maximum impact, they will send the same message to a number of friends and family members featured on the user’s list. By the time, word of the online scam gets around, the damage would have already been done and the cyber criminals would have disappeared. 

One effective way to avoid such online scams is to be careful. While in some cases, the plea for help might be genuine, it will just take you a minute to call the person and confirm. Otherwise, you might simply be sending the money into the private account of some unknown criminal and it would be very difficult to get it back later on. 

When it comes to users making updates on their travel plans, it should generally be discouraged. There hundreds of criminals out there who have made it their life’s mission to simply look for people who are known to make such updates. To make matters worse, not only will your social media account be compromised, you end up putting your friends and family members also in a vulnerable position. And in an act of coincidence, if your cell phone happens to be switched off or in Airplane mode, your family members cant event contact you immediately and they will naturally assume that you are facing some kind of problem.  So avoid making such updates to protect your own social media account. 

To get all the latest information on how to protect yourself from such online scams, visit Big Scammers.