Big Scammers

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Effects of Online Scams, Your Business and its Relevance for Fraud Investigation

When you are running an online business, you need to be careful about cyber criminals. They devise a number of methods to scam businesses and are constantly looking to make money through illegal means. When your company gets hit by one of these scams, a lot of things could go wrong and will go wrong. Here is a look at the effect scams will have on your business and why fraud investigation is a necessary component of running an online business. 
Damaged Reputation 
When your online business gets hacked, scammers could possibly walk away with tons of confidential data. This could include debit card and credit card details of thousands of customers. This loss of the news will be all over the media and will do irreparable damage to your business. And the damage does not stop there. Stolen credit card details is very valuable on dark net forums. It will be sold to bidders for thousands of dollars making every customer vulnerable to credit card theft sooner than later. This could again later boomerang into much bigger issue when scammers start using these cards to make online purchases leaving customers to cough up money for large unauthorized bills.
Which means, you should be prepared to face a lot of lawsuits from disgruntled customers who suffered financial losses as a result of the scam. You would be sued by the courts on fraud investigation charges. 
Loss of Trust 
When your business is subjected to an online scam, people tend to stop believing in your brand. Its leads to lowered sales and huge losses in revenue. You would have to spend a lot of money to start a fraud investigation to locate the origins of the scam. Your business would also be subjected to an independent fraud investigation probe by a team of police officers.
This way, bigger the scam the worse impact it would have on your business. To prevent such a bleak scenario, make sure that your system security is top notch, making close to impossible for hackers to gain access. Most online sites use security safeguards as mandated by the payment industry and your goal should be to meet those same standards.
Hire a team of professionals who will monitor customers who are using your website. If they find people to be involved in suspicious activity, they start a fraud investigation probe to look for the possibility of a scam. You could also sign up with a company that profiles customers who were flagged by the system.
Install a number of firewalls to deter scammers into gaining access to your servers. Even if you are business is small, there are a number of payment widget available today that are top of the line and provide the best security features. 
By following these security safeguards, you can greatly improve the overall security of your system. This will help you protect your business from online predators. For any further information on fraud investigation, go to and get all the latest details.