Big Scammers

Monday, March 7, 2016

Different Types of Money Scams That You Need to Stay Away From on the Internet

There a number online money scams that you need to be wary off when it comes to using the internet. Scammers today think of every possible angle to con victims and make money at their expense. The first step to avoiding these types of  scams, comes with early detection. Only when you suspect the possibility of a scam, will you be able to avoid it. So here is a list of some of the most common money scams you will find on the internet. 
Lottery and Prizes Money Scams 
Have you ever come across lottery scams where you suddenly won an iPhone or Plasma Tv or the latest X Box? The lottery ad would suddenly pop while surfing the web and would declare you as the winner to an expensive technological device. The device would be free even though shipping charges are not which is essentially what this money scam is all about. Users part with their debit card and pin number thinking that they will get a free X box or iPhone. The gifts will never show up at your door step. Instead you will get a long bill from your banker the following month since the scammers would have used your debit card to make all kinds of unauthorized purchases. 
Work from Home Money Scams  
A lot of people looking to earn money through the internet fall for this kind of money scam. The cyber criminals behind this con will promise customers the ability to make thousands of dollars in the month through computer jobs which can be handled from the comforts of your own home. They claim to know secret marketing techniques which they promise to share with you if you join their online course. These courses usually cost upwards of $500 and once the payment has been made, the scammers simply up and disappear. 
Nigerian 419 Money Scams 
This is easily the most common money scam you will find on the web. You will be contacted by unknown people from Africa promising you abundance of money in the form of inheritance. According to the mail, you are the sole heir to a fortunate left behind by a family in Nigeria. All family members died in an accident and left millions of dollars in your name even though there is no chance they could have known you or you could have known them. Just avoid this type of money scam and you will be fine.  
Dating Money Scams 
Lonely men and women on dating sites are very vulnerable to this type of money scam. Cyber criminals scour dating site looking for middle aged single people and then create profiles to match with those members. They then develop a friendship with these members and gain their trust. Eventually they will fake some kind of emergency and will request the friend to help out. The online user also would send money thinking that the person is desperate. Once the money has been sent, the scammer just disappears from the scene, leaving the victim heartbroken and humiliated. When it comes to dating sites, people need to be very careful and pick the right kind of members. When they start asking for money, there is a very good possibility that the whole thing is a money scam.  
In the future, if you happen to come across one of these money scams, the best response would be is to not respond at all. Most of these scammers, target thousands of people in a day, hoping something will stick. So if you respond even if it is in the negative, scammer would be encouraged to keep trying with your e-mail again and again. Instead report the person to your local service provider and they will take appropriate action.
Visit if you are looking to find the latest information on computer safety and other internet scam related information.