Big Scammers

Friday, February 19, 2016

Money Scams

When it comes to the internet, there are many different types of #money #scams that you need to wary about. The Nigerian 419 scam is one of the most notorious ones you will find simply on the basis of the number of people it has managed to swindle over the last ten years. In such types of money scams, the user suddenly receives a mail from a lawyer who goes on to explain how a rich family in Nigeria declared you as the sole heir to a fortune worth millions of dollars. Rather than question the legitimacy of the whole thing, many people tend to go ahead hoping that the money on offer is real. To that effect, they are even prepared to spend thousands of dollars in ‘processing fees’ without once bothering to do some research on possible online money scams. If you want to protect yourself from such type of scams, click on the links provided below to know more about them.