Big Scammers

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Big Scammer Online Scam

A lot of people today are falling victims to bogus jackpot schemes. In this type of #online #scam, user ends up being declared as the new winner of an iPhone through a pop up advertisement while casually surfing the web. The jackpot prize might originate from another country declaring you as the winner in a lucky draw even though you may not have taken part in any in the last few years. And yet quite a few people go ahead with the online scam hoping they will still win an iPhone without having to pay a single dime. It targets the greed in people which stops them from properly assessing the situations. In hindsight, they start making all kinds of processing fees in the hopes they will get the phone. However that never happens and they realize it was all a scam a little too late. If you were a victim of such an online scam, visit Big Scammers to know more about how you could file a report to get back all the money you lost to such an online scam.