Big Scammers

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Online Scams

A lot of people in the last decade have fallen victims to #dating #scams. These people tend to join a number of dating sites with the hope that they will be able to find the ideal partner. While this may prove to be pleasant experience for some, there have however been many cases of #online #fraud where cyber criminals create profiles that will fully match with that of their would- be victims. This helps to develop an instant rapport with their targets and soon they start to open up about themselves. Once trust has been established, they start asking the victim to send some money by citing some kind of emergency. Thousands of people have fallen prey to this excuse and would end up sending the money, only to realize later that this another one of those dreadful #online #scams. In some ways, this is worse because people here not only lose money but also get their hearts broken.