Big Scammers

Friday, January 29, 2016

Credit Card Fraud

Credit Card Fraud can occur in a number of ways. #Cyber #criminals can hack into your personal computer and then access the desktop folder in which you have stored all your banking details. You could be making online payments on website that have poor encryption making it easy for hackers to get hold of your data. Or you could have simply shared it online after falling victim to a phishing scam. Regardless of how the credit card fraud occurs, you should know it can lead to serious repercussions. People have been clueless while their bank accounts have been cleaned out overnight. Cyber criminals could also make a series of purchases on your card leaving you with a mountain of debt to clear. To prevent this from every happening to you, check you bank statements on a weekly basis to look for out of character expenses. If you can spot a single expense that was not yours, get in touch with your credit card company and take corrective action.