Big Scammers

Friday, December 18, 2015

Popular Scams on the Internet Exposed

There are a number of scams on the Internet which were all set up with the sole intention of fleecing unsuspecting customers of their hard earned money. The masterminds behind these scams have carefully analyzed the online users spending habits online while simultaneously using technological advancement to further their own nefarious activities. Here is a look at some of the notorious scams that are doing the rounds right now. 
Work from Home Scam  
There are many different types of scams on the internet when it comes to registering on work from home programs. While not all of these programs are bogus, one needs to do a proper background check on the company before joining. This will ensure that you are not being cheated out of your money.
For instance, there are certain work from home scams on the internet that promise customers the opportunity to make more than $20,000 in months which is a lot of money. This naturally arouses the curiosity of people because these ads also go onto to specify that customers do no need any special qualifications and that they would be walked through a series of simple steps that will help them earn loads of money. This is complete garbage and do not believe in any of the promises these scams make.  
Nigerian Scam 
This happens to be one of the most common scams on the internet. People who fall victim to this scam usually receive a mail from an unknown source in Nigeria. The mail would go onto elaborate how the receiver is in a position to get a lot of money due to the death of family members in an accident. It should be noted that the individual is in no position to know any of these family members but still somehow stands to gain so much money through inheritance. People should get suspicious of a possible scam then and there but they proceed along with it since the potential to get hundreds of thousands of dollars is too good to pass up. Instead all that happens is the receiver ends up spending lots of money in ‘processing charges’. The fraudster would then completely disappear while the scam would have just cost you hundreds of dollars.  
Credit Card Fraud  
A lot of people do not follow safe online practices when it comes to using their credit cards. They buy and sell stuff in several web platforms that do not enforce proper security protocols. This makes them vulnerable to credit card fraud which is one of the most common scams on the internet. Online users also need to be aware of the dangers of phishing. Here users receive mails that have been carefully designed to resemble that of their local bank. The mail would direct them to third party sites where they would be asked to part with their credit card information and the log in details of their bank.  You are to never share these details with anybody on the internet. 
Auction fraud  
This is another one of the more common scams on the internet. You have fraudsters setting up special accounts on auction sites just with the sole intention of cheating people. They keep putting all kinds of expensive items on sale that are rare and not easy to find. Once the bids are done and the payment is made, the seller discreetly escapes with the money without making the delivery of the item. The buyer ends up being cheated in the process. To prevent this from happening, make sure that you only do business with people who have generated excellent reviews from other customers.