Big Scammers

Monday, November 2, 2015

Who are the All Time Big Scammers on the Net?

Auction Fraud
The internet is littered with many sites that fail to adopt healthy business protocols. Online auction complaints account for as much as 75 percent of the complaints registered in the web. Many of these sites are similar to eBay in design but fail to incorporate a number of safeguards which will ensure the buyer is not duped at the end of the transaction. But in reality what will be happening is that you will place an order for a particular product on a site but will not receive it even after you have made the payment. Hence people must be very careful while buying products from new sellers. You should especially be cautious of big scammers who are trying to sell new goods at massive discounts of 75 percent or more.
Phishing Big Scammers
This is one of the most dangerous scams doing the rounds in the web right now. People indulging in phishing scams usually target older people who are not very proficient with computers. For instance, you could receive a phishing mail from your local bank saying that there has been an identity theft and requests you as a user to log into your account by clicking on the link displayed in the mail below. The key difference here is that mail is fake and the link provided is also bogus and is actually designed to closely mimic your real banking site. What makes this scam so dangerous is that if your end up typing your login details, the big scammers responsible for the scam will be able to have acquire account related information which they can later sell to other criminals in the black market. Hundreds of people have ended up losing all their savings after believe these phishing mails to be real. 
“Congratulations, You have Won an iPhone” LED TV or Xbox kind of scams
You might receive a mail in your inbox congratulating you for just having won an iPhone. To get the prize, all you would be required to do is to pay for the shipping costs for which you have to part with your Pin and debit card number while making the payment. This is nothing short of a scam and never fall for these claims. No one is giving away the latest xBox or Sony plasma TV, especially when you have not taken part in any contests that offer the aforementioned prizes. Instead you will find over the next few months that a series of online purchases are being made through your account. This is only possible when the big scammers orchestrating the scheme have gotten hold of your bank details.  
Nigerian 419 Big Scammers
Most people who own an e-mail account would have at some point in time received this kind of spam mail in their inbox. The Nigerian 419 scam operates along multiple lines but the method of operation is still the same. The objective of these fraudsters is to somehow get the recipients to send them considerable sums of cash through online transfers. Usually the mail would explain how  a wealthy Nigerian family is looking to vacate the country and they are looking to transfer a large sum of money with them. The big scammers would then request you to help them with the transfer while also promising a generous share for your efforts. While the reasons and the tactics used to swindle customers may change from one case to the next, it should be no surprise that all this is nothing less than a scam. According to federal reports, people all over the world have lost more than $32 billion.